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Penerbangan Rusia 593 adalah kemalangan penerbangan tragis yang berlaku pada 23 Mac 1994. Penerbangan itu dikendalikan oleh Aeroflot dan dalam perjalanan dari Moscow, Rusia ke Hong Kong, China. Pesawat terbabit ialah Airbus A310-304.
Kemalangan itu mengakibatkan kehilangan kesemua 75 penumpang dan anak kapal. Siasatan mendapati nahas itu berpunca daripada terputusnya autopilot secara tidak sengaja oleh anak juruterbang pesawat, yang duduk di kokpit. Juruterbang membenarkan anaknya duduk di tempat duduk kapten dan mengendalikan alat kawalan, yang menyebabkan pesawat itu bergolek secara tiba-tiba dan tidak terkawal.
Kemalangan ini menekankan kepentingan prosedur kokpit yang betul dan keperluan untuk anggota kru syarikat penerbangan mematuhi protokol keselamatan. Ia mendorong perubahan dalam latihan dan peraturan untuk mengelakkan kejadian serupa pada masa hadapan.
Transkrip dari perakam suara kokpit (CVR)
2258 ”’Eldar:”’ Why’s it turning?
2259 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ Is it turning by itself?
2260 ”’Eldar:”’ Yes … it is
2261 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ I don’t know why it’s turning
2266 ”’Eldar:”’ Is it going off-course?
2266 ”’Makarov:”’ Could it be some kind of zone
2267 ”’Piskaryov:”’ We’ve gone into a zone, a holding pattern
2268 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ Have we?
2269 ”’Piskaryov:”’ Of course we have.
2270 ”’Makarov:”’ Guys ..
”The plane exceeds a 45-degree bank angle. The g-forces increase, making it difficult for Kudrinsky to return to his seat.”
2272 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ Hold it! Hold the control column
2275 ”’Makarov:”’ The speed …
2276 ”’Piskaryov:”’ The other way!
2277 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ To the left! To the left!
2281 ”’Piskaryov:”’ Left!
2281 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ Left… The other way!
2281 ”’Makarov:”’ Turn it, to the left!
2282 ”’Piskaryov:”’ Left!
2284 ”’Eldar:”’ I am turning it left!
2284 ”’Piskaryov:”’ To the right!
2285 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ To the right
2288 ”’Piskaryov:”’ Can’t you see, or what?
”Altitude warnings, autopilot disengagement warnings, and stall warnings sound in quick succession. The plane begins to descend at speeds of up to 1000 feet per second, causing the plane to almost reach break-up speed.”
2291 ”’Piskaryov:”’ Turn right. Turn right! Turn right!
2297 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ RIGHT!
2298 ”’Piskaryov:”’ To the left. There’s the ground!
2303 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ Eldar, get out … Climb back out … Climb back out, Eldar. You see the danger, no?
2314 ”’Piskaryov:”’ Throttles to idle!
”Piskaryov pulls out of the dive, but over-corrects. The aircraft climbs almost vertically, and then starts to stall.”
2319 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ Eldar, get out! Get out, Eldar, get out … Get out, Eldar, get out, get out … get out … [gasping] get out … Get out, I say!
”The g-forces slightly decrease, enough for Eldar to get out of the captain’s seat. Kudrinsky finally returns to his seat, able to work with Piskaryov.”
2334 ”’Piskaryov:”’ Full power! Full power! … Full power!
2336 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ Got full power, got it
2337 ”’Piskaryov:”’ Full power!
2338 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ Got it …
2340 ”’Piskaryov:”’ Full power!
2346 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ I gave it full power, I gave it
2348 ”’Piskaryov:”’ What’s the speed?
2350 ”’Makarov(?):”’ Look on the left, it’s three-forty
2354 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ … Okay … [sobbing] Full power!<br />
2365 ”’Piskaryov:”’ Speed is very high
2367 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ High, is it?
2368 ”’Piskaryov:”’ Yes, isn’t it?
2369 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ I switched it off
2371 ”’Piskaryov:”’ We’re coming out, coming out!
2377 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ Done
2382 ”’Piskaryov:”’ Gently! … Shit, not again
2388 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ Don’t turn it right! The speed [unintelligible]
2392 ”’Piskaryov:”’ There!
2393 ”’Kudrinsky:”’ We’ll get out of this. Everything’s fine … Gently [unintelligible], gently … Pull up gently!
2400 (17:58:01 UTC) [Sound of impact, end of recording]
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